A female software engineer team lead working with her junior team member at their computer.

For Managers

The complete toolkit for tech team leaders.

A leader is only as strong as their team. We understand that conducting performance reviews and facilitating career development for teams is daunting for many tech leaders.

Kaleida makes this easy by providing you with a complete toolkit to assess your team's strengths and gaps, and collaboratively set goals to help them progress in their careers.

Become a more effective leader.

Kaleida's guided career progression frameworks help you accurately and consistently evaluate your team.

No more spending weeks and months building out your own frameworks when you can use a tool that saves you precious time.

When you are clear on what your team members need to be successful, you can provide the right guidance to help them grow.

A team skill contribution heat map showing the distribution of skills across a software engineering teamA spider graph showing the distribution of current and potential skills across a team.Platform interface showing growth areas that an individual team member can select, such as 'wellbeing', 'craft' and 'agile'.
Female software engineer team lead and her team member having a conversation while coding at their desk.

Boost team performance and wellbeing.

Harness team-level insights to identify patterns of strength, and conversely areas which require attention across the team.

Kaledia's holistic skills framework helps build positive team cultures that promote inclusion.

Research shows that teams with psychological safety outperform teams without. Explicitly identify and reward behaviours that foster teamwork and contribute to a sense of belonging.

Implement a tool you and your team will actually want to use.

One single tool for skills assessments, regular 1:1 and career planning. Having a unified ecosystem to track both everyday achievements and longer-term career planning helps keep teams motivated and focused on performance.

Built for developers by developers, it's actually relevant to you and your team.

Software engineering team lead standing over two of her team members and providing guidance and instruction.
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your team? 

"We evaluated career levels and frameworks from large tech companies, but they felt like overkill for our team's size and scope.

Then we found Kaleida. It was a breath of fresh air with its user friendly platform.

It gave our team a transparent view of their skills, highlighted areas for improvement, and outlined clear progression pathways...with Kaleida, performance reviews have become a rewarding process."